MB Bank
Annual Report
The MB Bank Annual Report is to provide public disclosure of MB’s operating and financial activities over the past year.
Art Direction
Editorial design
The MB Bank Annual Report is to provide public disclosure of MB’s operating and financial activities over the past year. MB Bank made a significant breakthrough in 2020, with 2 million new customers alongside total digital transformation. This annual report is the affirmation of MB’s ability to not just survive with customers during the pandemic but also thrive to achieve new goals and success during the year. With inspiration from MB Bank’s development in 2020, the design is created to enhance an image of a more professional, dynamic, digital bank.
On that inspirational journey of artistic excellence, CAAY worked on the media publications and press conference materials of the Orchestra. We designed the logo and publication concept, that is physically and spiritually inspired by the orator and hero of the Orchestra – the Cello. Each printing embraces the vibration of the Sun Symphony orchestra, which is our aspiration to make the audience feel the rhythm from just a look.